Self Compassion

Self Compassion

As humans, when we set ourselves a new goal, we generally begin that journey with great enthusiasm. Over time the enthusiasm can begin to wane, and in many cases after a month or two the goal seems nothing more than a distant memory that became too hard or...

Difficult Conversations

One of the most difficult times to stay present and grounded is during a difficult conversation. Have you ever noticed, when faced with someone who is angry or frustrated with you, how easy it is to lose your presence and flow? An important piece in developing your...

Linking Mind, Body and Heart

At Evolutionary Intelligence, one of our aims is to help you find balance between all aspects of yourself – Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit. In order to achieve more balance, the Evolutionary Intelligence program guides you in various ways to achieving increased levels...

Brene Brown on Vulnerability Members Only

Brené Brown’s first TED talk, which describes her journey as a researcher into connection, and how it led her into the understanding of shame and the fear of disconnection. During her research, spanning 6 years and countless stories from thousands of people, she...

Daniel Goleman on Compassion Members Only

This Ted Talk by one of our favourites, Dan Goleman, makes the case that humans are hard wired for empathy via mirror neurons in our brains. These mirror neurons allow us to empathise with others, especially those with whom we have something in common. Goleman’s point...