“A culture is a way of life of a group of people–the behaviours, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and ways of relating from one generation to the next.”



For conscious change to occur, we need clarity on our business values and discover the unconscious drivers that are currently operating in the business.

This common definition of Culture helps us to see that many of the values and behaviours within a group of people, in this case, within your business, are passed along, generally unconsciously. If we want conscious change, then we need to bring these values, behaviours and beliefs out into the open. Then we can discover what is currently there, and make decisions about what we want to change.

Values and Who, How, What

When we begin the process of cultural alignment, we need to uncover and get clear around the underlying values of the business. There is great benefit in openly stating our values. Clear values provide a reference and primary filter for honest conversations about behaviour and practices existing in the business, as well as a compass for leaders to make decisions about priorities and future direction.

Many businesses have chosen to use complex, long mission statements. They are mostly forgotten, which leads to disengagement and lack of direction and purpose. The Why, How and What, developed as part of our programs, are underpinned by the business values. They are concise phrases that are easily understood and recognised by everyone in the business, and which support the process of bringing the whole organisation into alignment, and bringing about the conscious change you desire.


Personal Development and Conscious Change

Once the organisational Values and Why, How and What are clear, personal development work enhances motivation and the ability to embody and align to those values. The Evolutionary Intelligence Process and the 5 Keys to Evolutionary Intelligence allow participants to access greater understanding of their behaviours, needs and values. Because the process facilitates self-awareness and self-regulation, it becomes possible to choose behaviours that are aligned with their values and those of the organisation.

Over time, this ability to make aligned choices leads to an embodied and aligned culture that is alive and informs all day-to-day operations and relationships within and outside of the organisation.


Program Overview

Our Values and Who, How, What Workshops are the first phase of the Cultural Alignment Program. These workshops can also be delivered as a stand alone half day or full day session.

The Cultural Alignment Program

Over a three to six month period, business leaders will be guided through the Evolutionary Intelligence process, focussing on Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Connection, Purpose and Integration, the Five Keys to Evolutionary Intelligence. The concepts are not just intellectual learning, it’s a highly experiential process that allows the change to be embodied and sustainable.

We offer our clients a three-tiered approach to support both individual and organisational change.

1. Education: Small group workshops educate and give participants the experience of the EI frameworks and language.

2. Application: Individual Coaching allow for a more in-depth and personalised approach, allowing leaders to uncover the blocks that they may be facing in applying the frameworks and tools and to discuss how they will implement the changes into the workplace.

3. Support: Each participant receives a Resource Book that includes material covered within each of the workshops as well as membership to Evolutionary Intelligence’s Online Library to access contemporary research, articles and tools that will support ongoing personal development and change.

Culture, Conscious Change


Working with Andrew has been the most incredible experience for our team. For many years we had a culture of not speaking up or being straightforward. Creating the environment where people feel comfortable to speak their mind without fear of being judged has dramatically shifted how we all work together and has created a whole new dynamic between us.
Lauren Ayers

CEO, Integro Learning Company

Participants of the Evolutionary Intelligence Cultural Alignment program will:

  • understand and align to the Values and “Why, How and What” of the business
  • gain the skills to implement the shared vision and values with their teams
  • learn powerful and simple frameworks to foster relationships that are based on trust and mutual respect
  • the courage to lead deep change with wisdom, compassion and confidence
  • increased resilience and capacity to cope calmly with ambiguity and upheaval
  • have confidence to express themselves fully and authentically at work and in their personal lives
  • feel empowered to take self-responsibility
  • develop effective communication and feedback skills
  • increase awareness in identifying and managing stress of self and others
  • improve skills to negotiate conflict and handle difficult conversations