It has been said that change is the only constant in life. In fact, Buddhism holds at it’s foundation that all of existence, without exception, is transient or in a constant state of flux.

In our personal and professional lives, change gives us an enormous opportunity for growth and evolution, yet it is one of the most difficult things for humans to embrace.

Change can elicit fear, as we can perceive it to be something that happens to us, without choice. We can feel we are victims to the effects of change.

Yet, there is another way to meet and embrace change in our lives. It involves Presence.

When we meet change with Presence, we consciously choose how we respond to the challenges. Inherent in Presence is the ability to observe ourselves and our reactions, and so choose a response that empowers us. Presence allows us to maintain our equilibrium in the midst of a dynamic situation. It also gives us the ability to perceive emerging opportunities and to consciously participate in and shape the change we are experiencing.

Today, when you experience something that requires you to make a shift, we invite you to take a moment to bring yourself into the present – perhaps follow your breath for 10 breaths, or notice the sounds, smells and sensations in your body. Then notice your response to the situation. Has something new emerged?

As always, we would love to hear about your experiences, either by email or on our facebook page.