Dan Pink on Motivation Members Only

Dan Pink makes a great case for intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation in business. Extrinsic motivations – the carrots and sticks approach, rewards, incentives etc., have been shown by various studies to work only in a narrow band of circumstances. And in fact,...

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Energetic Presence

You know how you always feel energised after spending time with one particular friend, but you’re not sure why? Or how being with another person often leaves you feeling drained or tired? Western science, through the field of quantum physics, now understands that we...

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Body Focusing

Body Focussing is an excellent way to begin tapping into the unique intelligence that our bodies hold. Our Body is like the ultimate biofeedback device, if we learn to listen to it. As we feel into the wisdom of our Body, we can notice how we are feeling at any given...

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Feelings and Needs

An interesting study, by UCLA’s Matthew Lieberman (Matthew Lieberman et al., “Putting Feelings into Words: Affect Labelling Disrupts Amygdala Activity in Response to Affective Stimuli”, 2007), found that decreased activation of the amygdala occurs when feelings are...

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Hara Meditation Members Only

In a “Hara” meditation we are working in the dimension of intention. This modality strengthens your internal support system. We are working on the tree trunk of your being. The Haric dimension is deeper than the auric dimension, so your energy field and chakra...

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Bringing Your Intentions Alive

The beginning of a New Year is a time filled with hope and excitement. Many people choose to set intentions, goals and resolutions for the year ahead. These are often pursued with enormous vigour and enthusiasm. However, the enthusiasm and vigour of the initial stage...

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Harnessing Neuroscience to Change Your Life

The majority of time in our days is often spent on the day to day managing of affairs. We get busy in the logistics, the to-do lists, the moment to moment situations that need our attention, and, if we are lucky, we remember to stay Present every now and then. When we...

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Do You Fear Change?

It has been said that change is the only constant in life. In fact, Buddhism holds at it’s foundation that all of existence, without exception, is transient or in a constant state of flux. In our personal and professional lives, change gives us an enormous opportunity...

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