Jill Bolte Taylor’s Powerful Stroke of Insight – Members Only
This is a profoundly moving, and at times humorous talk given by neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor. Jill suffered a stroke and over the following 4 hours, watched as her brain slowly shut down it’s function. As a result of her experience, she shares her insights into...
Helen Fisher Studies the Brain in Love – Members Only
An interesting and refreshing look at the mechanism of love – where it shows up in the brain whether in the early days of love, or after 10-25 years of marriage. Also, recently dumped lovers were studied and the result compared. Basically, it shows the love is the...
Simon Sinek How Great Leaders Inspire Great Action Members Only
This is a highly recommended TED Talk where Simon Sinek beautifully and eloquently explains how people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. He uses the Why, What, How diagram to show how leading with the Why inspires people. Peppered with commercial examples...
Tony Robbins Asks Why We Do What We Do Members Only
This TED Talk probably needs a few views to grasp the complexity that Robbins presents. Basically, he emphasises the Why of what we do and how understanding the forces that move people allows leaders to be influential and significant. Robbins explains 6 universal...
Dan Pink on Motivation Members Only
Dan Pink makes a great case for intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation in business. Extrinsic motivations – the carrots and sticks approach, rewards, incentives etc., have been shown by various studies to work only in a narrow band of circumstances. And in fact,...
Energetic Presence
You know how you always feel energised after spending time with one particular friend, but you’re not sure why? Or how being with another person often leaves you feeling drained or tired? Western science, through the field of quantum physics, now understands that we...
What Is Hara Meditation? Members Only
In a “Hara” meditation we are working at the level of intention. This exercise strengthens your internal support system around your purpose. The Hara meditation also clears and strengthens your energy field and chakra system. This type of meditation works on the...
Body Focusing
Body Focussing is an excellent way to begin tapping into the unique intelligence that our bodies hold. Our Body is like the ultimate biofeedback device, if we learn to listen to it. As we feel into the wisdom of our Body, we can notice how we are feeling at any given...
Feelings and Needs
An interesting study, by UCLA’s Matthew Lieberman (Matthew Lieberman et al., “Putting Feelings into Words: Affect Labelling Disrupts Amygdala Activity in Response to Affective Stimuli”, 2007), found that decreased activation of the amygdala occurs when feelings are...
Grounding Meditation Members Only
Body Position and Observer Self: The first part of the process of grounding is to check you are sitting or standing in a comfortable way, as much as possible having your spine aligned and relaxed. After you have found a comfortable position, allow yourself to become...
Hara Meditation Members Only
In a “Hara” meditation we are working in the dimension of intention. This modality strengthens your internal support system. We are working on the tree trunk of your being. The Haric dimension is deeper than the auric dimension, so your energy field and chakra...
Say Hello And Let It Go Members Only
Process: Check in with something you are trying to achieve in your life that is causing you frustration or the feeling of it being a long way off. Hold the thought of what you are trying to create in your mind. Allow this thought to drop down into your body and see...
Question Certainty – Article Summary Members Only
Article: Question Certainty An interesting perspective by Walter Frick in the HBR, on forecasting and the qualities of a certain subset of people who are excellent forecasters. These “superforecasters” use multiple information sources and tools, possess...
Inner Type B Manager – Article Summary Members Only
Article: Embrace Your Inner Type-B Manager This article by Victor Lipman argues that more relaxed or laid-back managers are often overlooked for management roles, as we tend to default to those with more aggression as they seem more authoritative....
Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening – Video by Phil Borges Members Only
Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening by Phil Borges – TEDx Talk A very interesting perspective on mental “illness” and the different way that this is viewed in indigenous cultures around the world. Borges studies shamans, healers or oracles from a wide range...
Science and Spirituality – Video by Jeff Liebermann Members Only
Science and Spirituality by Jeff Lieberman Jeff Lieberman is a MIT trained scientist and engineer. In this interesting talk, he presents the idea that humans are just energy in a scientific way. He mentions the Observer Self as a way to know that we are...
Empathy – Summary of Article Members Only
Article: Empathy Still Lacking in Leaders Who Need It Most This article, in the HBR by Ernest J. Wilson III, lists the five critical attributes leaders today must have in order to succeed. He makes the case that empathy is the “attribute-prime” or...
Bruce Lipton – Fear and Love Video Members Only
Bruce Lipton on Fear and Love Bruce Lipton, Author of Biology of Belief, explains the biological consequence of living in fear vs living in love, in a very easy to understand way. Our stress response is meant for short term energy to defend from or run away...
Group Coherence Members Only
Achieving Collective Coherence: Group Effects on Heart Rate Variability Coherence and Heart Rhythm Synchronization, Steven M. Morris, PhD, 2010. This is a research article that examines whether a group of participants in high HRVC could facilitate higher...
Why the Heart is More Than A Pump – Summary Members Only
Why the Heart is More Than a Pump, Dr. Paul J. Rosch This article traces human perceptions over time of what the heart is. From the view that the heart is just a circulatory pump we move through to the inseparable nature of Mind, Body and Heart. The 2nd brain of the...
A Healthy Heart is Not a Metronome – Summary Members Only
A Healthy Heart Is Not A Metronome, Schaffer et al., Sep, 2014 This article explores the anatomy and physiology of the heart and brain connection. It explains how the heart itself has a complex system of neurons that make up a little brain network. The heart...
Bringing Your Intentions Alive
The beginning of a New Year is a time filled with hope and excitement. Many people choose to set intentions, goals and resolutions for the year ahead. These are often pursued with enormous vigour and enthusiasm. However, the enthusiasm and vigour of the initial stage...
Harnessing Neuroscience to Change Your Life
The majority of time in our days is often spent on the day to day managing of affairs. We get busy in the logistics, the to-do lists, the moment to moment situations that need our attention, and, if we are lucky, we remember to stay Present every now and then. When we...
How Does Presence Help Us to Respond, Rather Than React?
As leaders, it’s vital to align our words, actions and energy with our personal and organisational goals. We need to develop the capacity to respond to situations or people from a place of our highest values – whenever humanly possible. However, sometimes we find...
Do You Fear Change?
It has been said that change is the only constant in life. In fact, Buddhism holds at it’s foundation that all of existence, without exception, is transient or in a constant state of flux. In our personal and professional lives, change gives us an enormous opportunity...