Now more than ever, we need tools to manage the pressure and stress that are part of both our business and personal lives.
It is clear that how each member of a team shows up directly affects how they relate and communicate, and the level of connection that is created. Resilience and clarity of communication are vital in ensuring efficiency, maximum productivity and a sense of wellbeing within the workplace.
It is also clear that a lack of clear and effective communication between internal and external stakeholders can lead to unmet expectations and disappointment in delivery of products and services.
More often, successful businesses are realising that excellent communication skills and a high level of emotional intelligence not only support the bottom line of their business, but create a more open, connected and innovative culture.
In Evolutionary Intelligence’s “Resilience and Communication for a Connected and Empowered Team” (RCCET) program, participants will learn strategies and techniques essential for more effective communication in the workplace whilst also developing the potential for professional success.
This program gives the opportunity to integrate the tools, language and practices directly into the work- place. It helps participants appreciate the importance of effective workplace communication and offers them strategies to overcome common communication barriers.
Evolutionary Intelligence has supported hundreds of individuals and organisations with their emotional intelligence and communication skills.
Our three month program, which includes on-site half day workshops and individual coaching, provides the essential tools to take your communication and well-being to a new level. Included are experiential exercises that ensure you embody the learnings into your everyday work life as well as your personal life.
This communication program is designed for businesses that want to take their communication skills from good to great.
- leveraging, the latest scientific understandings of communication
- developing a deeper understanding of prime drivers, to create an open and
effective level of communication within
their teams - growing emotional intelligence and presence.
Some programs offer insight into personality and behaviours.
At Evolutionary Intelligence, we believe that these are literally the tip of the iceberg. To facilitate change it is essential to understand the needs and values of individuals.
Our programs are based on the 5 Keys to Evolutionary Intelligence:
- Self Awareness – What are the beliefs, habits and stories that we hold? Which ones support us to thrive and which don’t?
- Self Regulation – Recognise and value feelings as information. Become more able to choose responses with consciousness and self-responsibility.
- Connection – Be in relationship with others with trust and collaboration. Listen and communicate with an open heart. Express what you need.
- Purpose – Live and work with ease, flow, meaning and enthusiasm in order to have a conscious impact on the world within and around us.
- Integration – When we integrate all four of the above keys, we activate our Evolutionary Intelligence
- Discover how to deepen your level of presence
- Understand more about brain/ mind function
- Deepen your understanding of your prime drivers
- How to communicate more clearly and effectively with your team and externally
- Manage stress more effectively
- Understand how to reframe our limiting beliefs
- A deeper understanding of Purpose and its value in our everyday business and personal life.

Evolutionary Intelligence has supported hundreds of individuals and organisations with their emotional intelligence and communication skills.
Our three month program, which includes on-site half day workshops and individual coaching, provides the essential tools to take your communication and well-being to a new level. Included are experiential exercises that ensure you embody the learnings into your everyday work life as well as your personal life.
This communication program is designed for businesses that want to take their communication skills from good to great.
The RCCET program supports participants in:
- leveraging, the latest scientific understandings of communication
- developing a deeper understanding of prime drivers, to create an open and
effective level of communication within
their teams - growing emotional intelligence and presence.
Some programs offer insight into personality and behaviours.
At Evolutionary Intelligence, we believe that these are literally the tip of the iceberg. To facilitate change it is essential to understand the needs and values of individuals.
Our programs are based on the 5 Keys to Evolutionary Intelligence:
- Self Awareness – What are the beliefs, habits and stories that we hold? Which ones support us to thrive and which don’t?
- Self Regulation – Recognise and value feelings as information. Become more able to choose responses with consciousness and self-responsibility.
- Connection – Be in relationship with others with trust and collaboration. Listen and communicate with an open heart. Express what you need.
- Purpose – Live and work with ease, flow, meaning and enthusiasm in order to have a conscious impact on the world within and around us.
- Integration – When we integrate all four of the above keys, we activate our Evolutionary Intelligence
Outcomes of the program include:
- Discover how to deepen your level of presence
- Understand more about brain/ mind function
- Deepen your understanding of your prime drivers
- How to communicate more clearly and effectively with your team and externally
- Manage stress more effectively
- Understand how to reframe our limiting beliefs
- A deeper understanding of Purpose and its value in our everyday business and personal life.