Dan Pink on Motivation Members Only

Dan Pink makes a great case for intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation in business. Extrinsic motivations – the carrots and sticks approach, rewards, incentives etc., have been shown by various studies to work only in a narrow band of circumstances. And in fact,...

What Is Hara Meditation? Members Only

In a “Hara” meditation we are working at the level of intention. This exercise strengthens your internal support system around your purpose. The Hara meditation also clears and strengthens your energy field and chakra system. This type of meditation works on the...

Grounding Meditation Members Only

Body Position and Observer Self: The first part of the process of grounding is to check you are sitting or standing in a comfortable way, as much as possible having your spine aligned and relaxed. After you have found a comfortable position, allow yourself to become...

Hara Meditation Members Only

In a “Hara” meditation we are working in the dimension of intention. This modality strengthens your internal support system. We are working on the tree trunk of your being. The Haric dimension is deeper than the auric dimension, so your energy field and chakra...

Say Hello And Let It Go Members Only

Process: Check in with something you are trying to achieve in your life that is causing you frustration or the feeling of it being a long way off. Hold the thought of what you are trying to create in your mind. Allow this thought to drop down into your body and see...